Toronto comedians have had it easy for Much. Too. Long. Undiscerning audiences laughing at anything because they're uncomfortable with silence NO MORE!!!
Dodo Dome is the truest mirror of the world we live in -- Cutthroat Survivalism! -- Sink or swiM -- the invisible hand of the audience WILL DECIDE who wins the Dodo Dome championship belt
Performers have only one mission -- to be so memorable -- in success or failure -- that the audience votes for them at the end. There is no fourth wall. There are no rules. The only mandate is to use their comedy skill set to take them into the deepest waters of pure dodiocy and cringe, claw, or charm their way to the top of the proverbial heap.
PWYC (cash or e-transfer to
...Jeff & Willow (Jeff Wolverton & Willow Edwards)
...Try-Racial (Vivek Srikanthan, Derek Kalala, John Taylor)
...Vinay & Emily (Vinay Sagar & Emily Jeffers)
...returning champs Slava & The Fun Boys (Slava Toth, Josh Bonnici, Goldy Goldberg)
...and MORE!