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Hot off the national fringe circuit, Sam Chaulk’s critically acclaimed, multi-award nominated bouffon show, INFLUENCED, is coming to Toronto audiences for three shows on Friday the 13th weekend in October at Sweet Action Theatre!

So, come to INFLUENCED! A rabbit-hole cabaret! Watch as Prima, the beautiful, horrible, dummy thicc and and dangerous Bouffon gleefully mocks influencers, experts…and you. Let go as Algo, a virtual assistant like Amazon's Alexa, feeds you number after number. All you need to do is sort the truth from the lies.

Here’s what critics and audiences have been saying about INFLUENCED:

“Pitched somewhere between Judy Garland & the demon Pazuzu, Chaulk's scattershot routine is sometimes funny, often uncomfortable and visually unforgettable.” 
- Jim Burke, former theatre critic, The Montreal Gazette

“I was afraid for my safety.” 
- Cliff Cardinal, creator of The Land Acknowledgement, or As You Like It

“She tears you from the comfort of your social media bubble like a kid being dragged from a pillow fort.”
- Felicia Xie, Montreal Rampage

“Sam Chaulk’s awe inspiring exploration of the online world we share with our own is an enthralling, thought provoking, and reflective journey into the depths of the demonic heart of the internet. Be warned; she will try and pull you in. No matter what it takes.”
-Sean Lewis, Winnipeg Fringe Audience Member

Created and Performed by Sam Chaulk
Directed by Suzanne Roberts Smith
With Kate McArthur as Stage Manager and the voice of ALGO
And text consultation by Ryan Hughes

Playing October 12th, 13th and 14th at 8pm

Find out more about INFLUENCED:

INSTA: @sammchaulk

October 13


October 15

The Ridiculous Institute of Funny presents: Brunch!