Maybe you've heard about therapeutic clowning or maybe this is your first exposure to it.
What exactly is the practice? Where does it happen? Who are these fools that do this?
Red Nose Remedy invites you for a big mixer of an event - 'therapeutic clowning & community' seeks to bring together therapeutic clowns, theatrical clowns, improvisors, physical performers and people genuinely interested to gather, learn from one another and play together.
Come prepared to learn about the practice of therapeutic clowning; Red Nose Remedy's approach and programs; and some stories of success and failure. Then, get ready to play with the others in the room as Executive & Artistic Director Andrew Gaboury leads you through a workshop about two key tenets of therapeutic clowning: Simplicity & Observation.
This is a free event but donations are greatly appreciated & will go towards supporting the vibrancy of this organization.
Red Nose Remedy acknowledges the generous support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation and their Resilient Communities Fund.