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Play Play Lab


Mon May 6: 7-10pm
Sun May 12: 6-9pm 
Mon May 20: 7-10pm
Sun May 26  6-9pm
Mon May 27: 7-10pm
June 2: 6-9pm 
Mon June 3: 7-10pm SHOW

This lab will have a strong focus on satire and bouffon.

In this creation lab, performers will co-create physical theatre vignettes in solos and as an ensemble. Play Play’s artistic method is based on the actor as clown and creator. The Clown: following your joy and pleasure, connection to your true spirit, being connected to your audience, commitment and complicity. The Creator: using our body as our instrument, our lives as our story archive from which we draw inspiration. Performers will be pushed to explore at the edges of their practice. Performers will improvise, use their bodies, their voices, write their own text, and create movement choreography. As an ensemble, we will experiment, stretch, and flop and arrive at listening and trust, where we move as one.

As storytellers, we will put up a mirror to our times, explore the beauty, absurdity and hypocrisy we are living through. We will create a show connected by theme, with scenes both stupidly profound and visually stunning.

Registration is limited to 10 performers at a sliding scale of $100-250. Payment plans available
Performers who are racialized and/or 2SLGBTQI+ are encouraged to register.
Attendance is mandatory to stay in the Lab. We encourage artists who are taking theatre seriously (not recreationally) to attend.

We will be filling performers spots as applications come in, until we are full.

Sweet Action Theatre has 2 HEPA filters and air conditioning. Performers may choose to wear a mask for the entire duration. Performers are asked to self-screen and stay home if feeling ill.

Sweet Action is a wheelchair accessible venue. Performers with access needs are invited to participate and contact Janice in advance (

May 6

Rental (Kendall)

May 7

Creative Questing with Emily