Making Stupid with Professor Eff: A Free Drop-In Class
Join Professor Eff (Jesse Buck) for a free clown class on Tuesday February 25th from 6:00-9:00pm at Sweet Action Theatre.
Participants will get to sample the type of work that will be included in Jesse's upcoming 6-week workshop starting March 11th.
All experience levels are welcome.
Email to save your spot.
Jesse Buck is a 25-year veteran of the stupid as an award-winning physical comedian. He mentored under master teacher Phillippe Gaulier in 2003 and has since developed his own unique style and approach to play. His solo show Bubkus has played international stages and he toured extensively performing in multiple productions with Cirque du Soleil. A regular in the Toronto Clown scene, Jesse was frequently featured in the Toronto Festival of Clowns, the Red Nosed Cabaret, What The Festival and The Foolish Cabaret, created by the late Helen Donnelly.