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Poems for God

WOWOWOW another one!! thats what dj khalid said!!

if you were at the last one, what a learning opportunity to see the artist at work, WHATS DIFFERENT, is this one BETTER is it WORST, what do I LIKE or NOT!!

Isaac Kessler CONFIRMED line up (in booth talking to me during show)

if you have never seen this show ever, WOW you are in for a FREAKY TREAT

ok thank you, also go to chases class before!! think of this night as your reward in voting in the provincial election!! and if you didnt vote still come, dont let my pro voter stance sway you away

PWYC !!! 

<3 <3 <3 <3 

February 27

Physical Performance on Stage Drop-In w/ Chase Jeffels

March 1

Rental (Joy)