Save the Show #8 All Star Edition!
Kicked off stage by John Beale and Gordon Neill
Dec 10th, 8pm
Sweet Action Theatre
180 Shaw Street, Toronto
Tickets $10 cash only at the door
10 previous winners or runners up of past Save the Shows will each perform a one minute piece and then the competition begins! In rapid succession contestants will try to save the show! - as in try to stay on stage the longest! 15 seconds without a burst of laughter from the audience and they’re kicked off stage. By the end of the evening the contestant with the most accumulated stage time wins half the door and the other half of the door is split between the rest of the contestants. Tickets are $10 cash only at the door. (Bring cash!)
Leo Dragonieri
Joshua Bonnici
Emily Jeffers
Nebojsa-Nash Stamenkovic
Oliver Georgiou
Eric Kinsella
Kenneth Cheung
Chase Jeffels
Spenser Mullins
Vinay Sagar
Victoria Watson Sepejak