Sweet Action Theatre Company gets a theatre


Sweet Action Theatre's Home Opener February 26th

So, I bought a space to turn into a theatre. A new home for the ridiculous. Or for alternative comedy... or something. I haven't figured out the sassiest way to market clown/bouffon/physical theatre. Anyhoo, Sweet Action Theatre isn't ready yet. So in true clown-like fashion, let's open it up for the first show in many, many to come. 


There are some amazing workshops coming in March, April and May. Michael Burgos is running a Movement workshop and a Character workshop. Aitor Basauri is running Spymonkey's Clown Masterclass. And Chloe Payne is returning in May to run a Clown 2 (details on that one will be available soon).
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Sweetest Action = Eccentric + Deanna Fleysher + Idiot