Accessing the theatre:

There is a Kidde lock box underneath the door sensor outside the theatre. It operates like a standard combination lock with a 3-letter combination.

  1. Spin the lock a few times clockwise and land on the first letter

  2. Spin the lock counter-clockwise one full rotation (past the first letter) and land on the second letter

  3. Spin the lock clockwise and land on the third letter

  4. Pull the tab down to remove the lock box cover

There is a key fob attached to the back of the lock box cover, tap that on the door sensor. Once you hear a beep, push the door IN slightly, and then pull the door open.

lock box door sensor.png

Once Inside


There are 2 light switches on your immediate left as soon as you enter the theatre. Press the small buttons on the bottom of each switch to turn the lights on and use the sliders to fade the light up or down.

Air conditioning

The air conditioning is controlled by the thermostat next to the breaker box on the wall of the kitchenette. Instructions for operating the air conditioning unit are printed and attached to the breaker box. The thermostat itself is the smallest unit on the wall.





  • Soundcraft EFX8 Mixer (manual)

  • 2 QSC CP8 Flown Loudspeakers

  • QSC K112 Subwoofer


  • Sprung Floors with Marley Surface

  • 72 Folding Chairs

  • 8 8’x3’ Risers

  • Wrap Around IFR Drapery